Thursday, April 16, 2015

Paleo Diet: 6 key things for a Beginner Starting the Paleo Diet

How to Paleo Diet
6 Key steps to help with your journey
By: Joshua Zitting

With the Paleo diet there are some key things to take into account when it comes to losing weight.   Switching to Paleo alone could be what you need to jump start your weight loss goals but there are a couple key lifestyle changes you will need.  Here are 6 simple tips for a successful paleo diet plan:

1.  Simple Is Key.

Paleo alone will help you cut calories without restricting them and this alone will be super effective.  Eating simpler foods is the key to eating less according to research because it will help you cut weight without a lot of effort.

So what exactly does simple mean?  Eating healthy and sticking to the basics is key.  Stick to meat and fish, make sure to get plenty of veggies, root veggies and fruit, and some healthy fats but keep it minimal.  Keep your ingredients to a minimum with little additional flavoring if you are trying to lose weight.  Save your extravagant meals for the weekend or a cheat meal.

2.  Carbohydrates for Energy levels.

First off realize that every single persons body reacts differently to carbohydrates.  Some people react very well to super low carb diets while some people end up with no energy at all.  This will also depend on the amount of exercise that you are doing on a daily basis.

While I think that its important to have some carbohydrates in your diet for energy, you should match your intake to your amount of exercise.  If you are too low in carbs it can lead to muscle breakdown and fatigue.  Keeping small amounts of carbohydrates is key and you can get your carbs through sources like sweet potatoes or other healthy carbs.  Removing carbs completely can result in negative effects.

If you are not exercising regularly than cutting your carbs lower will be key to helping you lose weight.

3. Eat Enough Food.

Less food is not always the key when it comes to losing weight.  You don’t need to deprive yourself of calories and much needed nutrients that you need for your body to function normally.   If you deprive your calories you can actually effect your resting metabolic rate which you really don’t want.  It would bring your weight loss to a stall.  You don’t need to starve yourself to “diet”.  Calories do matter, but underrating when trying to lose weight is just as problematic as eating too much.  Eating paleo will help you eat more satiating meals without having to count calories

4.  Stay Moving.

Keeping moving throughout the day will be key in a weight loss journey.  Especially for those that work in an office all day, drive in your car to and from work, and than go home and sit in front of your computer or tv, the hours of sitting really add up.  Exercise does not make up for the harmful effect that sitting all day creates.   Your hour of gym time in the day may not be enough to help you on your weight loss journey.  Get of your butt and move!

5.  Find an Accountability Partner.

When really trying to lose weight it will important to not take this venture alone.  Having the support will make the process so much easier.  You will want the encouragement of others as well and it will increase your chances of success.   So let those around you know you are switching to paleo and you want their support and to hold you accountable.  Have a diet partner, a workout partner, and someone who will encourage you.

6.  Focus on your life as a whole, not just your exercise and diet.

A lot of individuals don’t realize that when you don’t sleep well you will in fact be hungrier the next day.  When you have stress and anxiety you will release hormones that will cause you to store more fat.  Learning to manage your stress will be key and take 100% responsibility for yourself and your actions.  Try taking up meditation or yoga, and it will help having your accountability partner to help with keeping your stress at bay.

A few of my favorite fitness items that I use regularly to keep me healthy and on track!


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