Monday, April 27, 2015

Top 5 Secret Weight Loss Supplements

Top 5 Secret Weight Loss Supplements
By: Joshua Zitting

tags - 

Non GMO, GMO Diet,GMO Foods,GMO Books,Monsanto,Sugar Free, Sugar, Diet, Weight loss, Fitness, Diet Plan

Friday, April 24, 2015

Lemon Water for Diet and Weight Loss

Lemon Water for Weight loss and Diet
By: Joshua Zitting

There has been a ton of buzz lately around lemon water helping you lose weight so I really dug into this topic to see what all the buzz was about.  Celebrities seem to be raving about however there are a couple key things to take into account.

If you are drinking lemon water and replacing other beverages this could be really helpful for weight loss.  This would be the case specially if you are replacing drinks that are higher in calories like coffee or soda and have either sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Drinking lemon juice water whether in hot or cold form can indeed help to boost metabolism, but more importantly it will keep you well hydrated.  Especially for those of you who don’t typically like to drink water this could be a great technique for you to drink more water and enjoy the taste a little more without having a bunch of extra calories.

Lemons have been shown to reduce hunger cravings and also can help with bowel movements.

Lemons have been well known to reduce bloating as well as used as a light diuretic.
Also, don’t chug lemon water, this can cause heartburn.  If you have acid reflux you should probably not drink a ton of lemon water either as this might make it worse.

Overall the moral to the story is that one of the most fat burning supplements we have available to us is good ol water.  So stay hydrated my friends.  

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Coconut Oil and Fat Loss: 10 Reasons Why You Should Add Coconut Oil to Your Diet

Coconut Oil and Fat Loss:  10 Reasons Why You Should Add Coconut Oil to Your Diet
By: Joshua Zitting

Did you know that coconut oil is actually one of the best fats in the world for you?

Here are just a few of the benefits of this amazing fat that you may not know:

1.  The oil contains medicinal properties because of the unique fatty acids contained within the oil.

2.  Coconut oil has been shown to increase fat burning properties within the body and 
     also increases energy, making it awesome for weight loss.

3.  Areas around the world known to eat more coconut have shown to be overall more healthy
     and also show lower levels of heart disease. 

4.  Coconut oil helps stop cravings and actually stops hunger. This will essentially help you eat 
     less which will help with weight loss. 

5.  Coconut oil can kill viruses, fungi, and bacteria due to the high amounts of lauric acid. 

6.  Coconut oil has been shown in tons of studies to actually help reduce seizures due to 
     the oil converting to ketones. 

7.  If you have damaged or brittle hair, coconut oil is amazing to treat hair and it can also
     be used as a form of sunscreen. 

8.  The ketone bodies in coconut oil have been shown to improve memory and has also
     been shown to help Alzheimer's patients with brain function.

9.   Did I mention this fat helps you lose fat?  Confusing I know, but coconut oil in small 
      amounts has been proven to help lose fat especially in the abdominal region. 

10.  Make sure you buy organic virgin coconut oil. Most of the products in stores are crap.
       Here are a few I've personally tried and prefer:

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Top Fitness Trends of 2015

Top Fitness trends of 2015
By: Joshua Zitting

2015 is off with a bang and for most of us we are either deep into our new years goals or falling quickly behind on what was to be the best year ever!   As summer approaches quickly I am often asked what is the best way to get in shape for summer.  The answer truthfully is that there are so many ways its almost hard to pin point just one.  With technology and smart watches there to help us there are so many trends popping up that sometimes its hard to keep up.  What I loved about 2014 was that it was a year for fitness where people really brought things back to the basics.

  • pushups
  • planks
  • lunges
  • squats 
  • pull-ups

The best part about these is they require no equipment and can essentially be done almost anywhere making these almost the best fit for anyone.  Here are some of the top trends of 2015 and also some of my personal favorites:

1.    BodyWeight Training:  Lets talk about convent and time saving.  You could being doing squats   
       while brushing your teeth or watching your favorite show.  Bust out plank during commercials or
       while something cooks on the stove. Why not? 

2.    Personal Training:   Exercising with a professional is still one of the top trends of         
       2015.   This industry will continue to grow.   Don’t just go with the trainer the gym 
       picks for you.  You should interview or at least watch what they do around your   
       gym.   Trainers are human and there are good and also lazy trainers.  Find one that 
       fits you so you get your moneys worth.  One of the best things about having a 
       trainer is they will personally tailor your workouts to meet your specific goals.  For 
       many people having someone like a trainer hold them accountable is exactly what 
       they need to reach their goals.

3.    HIIT:  High Intensity Interval Training is short intense bursts accompanied with low   
       intensity movements or short periods of rest.   These types of workouts are perfect
       for anyone in a time crunch.  30-45 minutes of HIIT training can kick your butt!

4.    Weight Training:   Strength / Weight training will help to improve strength and can 
       pretty much be added into any single workout plan or routine.  Training with weight 
       will far benefit you more than just beyond the gym.  You will sleep better, feel 
       better, have better memory, more confidence, and have more sex.

5.    Yoga:   One of my absolute new favorites is yoga.  It’s not just about humming and 
       om-ing.  Yoga really focuses on your stabilizer muscles, core strength, and 
       flexability.  Try it, guarantee it kicks your butt and will help you tremendously with 
       your fitness goals.  Not to mention learning to breath properly really helps you be 
       present in the day and actually helps with overall happiness. There are so many 
       types of yoga so find the one that works best for you.

6.      Group Training:   Want to cut down on cost and be able 
         to socialize and still get your workout in?   Group training with friends is awesome 
         and lot of trainers now will let you hire them for an hour and you can put together 
         a group of friends or family to work out together.  Its like having a 1on1 coach but 
         without breaking the bank.  Plus you can help hold each other accountable.

7.      Nutrition:   More than ever are individuals finally realizing how important nutrition 
         is.  So many people are taking notice to the organic movements and sugar free 
         detox.  Nutrition alone will help you with your goals and combine it with training     
         and you are well on your way.  My book Avoid The Poison: A guide to a GMO and Sugar Free   
         explains the toxic effects of sugar on the body and look out for my new paleo recipe book   
         coming out in the next few weeks.

Hope this article will continue to guide you or get you back on track for that summer body you deserve with 2015's Top Trends!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Paleo Diet: 6 key things for a Beginner Starting the Paleo Diet

How to Paleo Diet
6 Key steps to help with your journey
By: Joshua Zitting

With the Paleo diet there are some key things to take into account when it comes to losing weight.   Switching to Paleo alone could be what you need to jump start your weight loss goals but there are a couple key lifestyle changes you will need.  Here are 6 simple tips for a successful paleo diet plan:

1.  Simple Is Key.

Paleo alone will help you cut calories without restricting them and this alone will be super effective.  Eating simpler foods is the key to eating less according to research because it will help you cut weight without a lot of effort.

So what exactly does simple mean?  Eating healthy and sticking to the basics is key.  Stick to meat and fish, make sure to get plenty of veggies, root veggies and fruit, and some healthy fats but keep it minimal.  Keep your ingredients to a minimum with little additional flavoring if you are trying to lose weight.  Save your extravagant meals for the weekend or a cheat meal.

2.  Carbohydrates for Energy levels.

First off realize that every single persons body reacts differently to carbohydrates.  Some people react very well to super low carb diets while some people end up with no energy at all.  This will also depend on the amount of exercise that you are doing on a daily basis.

While I think that its important to have some carbohydrates in your diet for energy, you should match your intake to your amount of exercise.  If you are too low in carbs it can lead to muscle breakdown and fatigue.  Keeping small amounts of carbohydrates is key and you can get your carbs through sources like sweet potatoes or other healthy carbs.  Removing carbs completely can result in negative effects.

If you are not exercising regularly than cutting your carbs lower will be key to helping you lose weight.

3. Eat Enough Food.

Less food is not always the key when it comes to losing weight.  You don’t need to deprive yourself of calories and much needed nutrients that you need for your body to function normally.   If you deprive your calories you can actually effect your resting metabolic rate which you really don’t want.  It would bring your weight loss to a stall.  You don’t need to starve yourself to “diet”.  Calories do matter, but underrating when trying to lose weight is just as problematic as eating too much.  Eating paleo will help you eat more satiating meals without having to count calories

4.  Stay Moving.

Keeping moving throughout the day will be key in a weight loss journey.  Especially for those that work in an office all day, drive in your car to and from work, and than go home and sit in front of your computer or tv, the hours of sitting really add up.  Exercise does not make up for the harmful effect that sitting all day creates.   Your hour of gym time in the day may not be enough to help you on your weight loss journey.  Get of your butt and move!

5.  Find an Accountability Partner.

When really trying to lose weight it will important to not take this venture alone.  Having the support will make the process so much easier.  You will want the encouragement of others as well and it will increase your chances of success.   So let those around you know you are switching to paleo and you want their support and to hold you accountable.  Have a diet partner, a workout partner, and someone who will encourage you.

6.  Focus on your life as a whole, not just your exercise and diet.

A lot of individuals don’t realize that when you don’t sleep well you will in fact be hungrier the next day.  When you have stress and anxiety you will release hormones that will cause you to store more fat.  Learning to manage your stress will be key and take 100% responsibility for yourself and your actions.  Try taking up meditation or yoga, and it will help having your accountability partner to help with keeping your stress at bay.

A few of my favorite fitness items that I use regularly to keep me healthy and on track!


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How to Meditate for Beginners: 10 key steps

by: Joshua Zitting

Meditation is an art and while some might think of it as closing your eyes and going into a trance like state this is not always the case.  Meditation is about focus and putting your attention on one area.  There are many health benefits beyond increasing concentration, decreasing anxiety and overall happiness.

A great number of people try meditation but a very small percentage of people actually stick to it. This is very unfortunate and could be due to beginners not having the right mindset going into the practice to actually sustain it.

This article will help with 10 key elements for any beginner to jump over hurdles and help maintain a long term practice:

Start with breathing.  Deep long breaths help to slow the heart rate, completely allowing muscles to relax, and will help you focus your mind on the present moment

Set Aside Specific time.  The only way you can make it an regular practice is to set aside time in your schedule to just be.

Have a Purpose.  Meditation is a process.  Learning to focus on a single point or object is tough work, and you have to create a purpose.

Stretch.  Loosen up all your muscles so you can sit more comfortably.  Stretching out your body will help muscles relax and begin your “inward journey” by giving your body some attention.

Be present to your frustration.   Listen to your “inner voice”. Is it telling you “we don’t need this” or “we have already done this before, why continue”.  When you begin to focus on that voice just bring yourself back to focusing on deep breathing bringing you back to present.

Think about body parts.  When Beginning to learn how to meditate, once you learn how to quiet your mind focus on your feet, and move all the way up your body.  From toes, feet, quads, organs, chest, etc.  This will help increase focus.

Pick a Spot.   Pick a spot where you can be comfortable and use this specific spot as your daily meditation spot.  Make sure this is not where you sleep, work, or exercise.

Put electronics away.  When you meditate make sure you have your phone off or anything that could disturb you.  This is a time for you not distractions.

Visual meditation.  For beginner who have trouble closing eyes to meditate it may be easier to begin by just focusing on the flame of a candle or an object.  This works wonderfully.

Early morning practice and being grateful.  Its said that meditation is best practiced first thing in the morning with your mind less cluttered.  It’s important not to stress over the outcome of the meditation.  Just be grateful, and thank yourself for taking the time just to be present in the moment.

Meditation can be a difficult practice for a beginner but with these tips you will be well on your way.  Start small and work your way up.  Maybe try guided meditation with headphones to start out and work your way to not needing them.

A few of my personal favorite meditation tracks and one of my favorite books!


Monday, April 13, 2015

Gary Vaynerchuk on entrepreneurship and being confident

Gary Vaynerchuk – Stay Humble, But Obnoxiously Confident

Some language but such a great message!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Available NOW on Amazon
FREE April 9th-11th

Get your copy here:

Learn and discover the ins and outs of two of the most controversial topics in the diet world today. GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms) and sugar are major issues in our society today. Not only is sugar the culprit of so many health issues but GMO's are actually banned in many countries. This book will be a guide for eliminating sugar and GMO's from your diet.

Here are the topics in the book... 
What are GMO's ? 
Top 5 GMO foods that will shock you 
Grocery Store shopping for GMO free diet 
Health issues caused by sugar 
Real Sugar vs. Artificial Sugars 
Eliminating sugar from your diet
Much, much more!

Pick up this book today and your body will thank you later! tags:gmo, genetically modified foods, gmo diet, dangerous foods, sugar, artificial sweetener, gmo free diet, how to stay healthy, gmo books, gmo free, gmo foods, gmo diet, sugar cleanse, detox diet, detox cleanse, detox, healthy diet

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

WHY Meditate?

For many years people have used meditation to help them get rid of stress and thoughts that are emotionally draining.  The goal of meditation is to bring ones self to the present moment with peace and clarity.   There are so many traditions, and techniques, almost to many to name but the core of meditation is all the same: to bring awareness and to help expand consciousness.

Meditation is precious gift, and people turn to meditation for many reasons.  Even doctor’s today sometime recommend meditation to help with stress reduction, lower blood pressure, and help with sleeping.   Others seek out meditation to find relief from anger, pain, or fearful thoughts that bombard the mind daily.  Yet, others just want a greater understand of ones self, improve concentration, and to be more intuitive.

The purpose truly depends on the meditator for their reasons why, but it is true that those who practice meditation regularly have shown to have incredible benefits on a multitude of levels including - mental, spiritual, emotional, and even physical. 

These include:

Better Sleep
Increased Production
Increase in DHEA (anti-aging)
Lower blood pressure levels
Lower Cholesterol
Lower Stress and Less Anxiety

Did you know that researchers have found that Meditating can actually restore the brain?   In as little as 8 weeks!   Massachusetts General Hospital did a study that not only helped people with memory, sense of self, lower stress, but produced actual changes in areas of the brain.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,  please take a moment and like this on facebook and share with friends and family!  This is all part of a movement for a healthier YOU and those around you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Start the Day with Discipline Habits

By:  Joshua Zitting

Is your life a total mess,  has zero routine or discipline, full of procrastination and you feel out of control at times?

Where do you start with discipline habits when there’s so much to change?

It’s quite simple, you clean house.

You start with one small step at a time.  When you eat breakfast, wash your plate or bowl.  When you are done with morning tea or coffee, simply wash your cup.  Don't leave a single item in the sink or on your counter.

Do it right then.

Make this a habit one day at a time and one dish at a time.
Once you complete this a few weeks in a row than start making sure when you get undressed for the day you put you hang your cloths up right away, put them away or in the dirty cloths.  

After this, do some crunches, a few standing squats, maybe some pushups.  Eat a few vegetables instead of that cracker.  

Once you build this discipline habit you can trust yourself to take more and more on at a time.
You can’t eat an entire elephant at once, you must do it one bite at a time.
So for now, start with the dishes, smile, and create your day.  For you have the power to create anything!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sugar Free Shopping

The Sugar-Free Shopping List

  • Brown rice
  • Sprouted grain bread
  • Cottage cheese
  • Cheese
  • Seafoods and meat – shop for a few day’s worth
  • Raw almonds
  • Deli meat from deli (less preservatives)  (shop for those breads carefully, ezekiel is king)
  • Eggs – hardboiled eggs make for quick, easy and healthy breakfasts on the run
  • Packets of baby carrots – ideal for snacks on the go
  • 100% whole wheat or gluten free pasta – read the labels for any hidden sugars
  • Lots of whole fruits
  • Several varieties of vegetables
  • Organic Peanut butter – full of natural ingredients with no added sugars
  • Tortillas, rices and pastas that are gluten-free and a great idea when you want to keep away from white flours and additional sugar

Monday, January 19, 2015

What's the Deal with GMO's?

You’ve probably heard a lot of people talking about the evils of genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, but what are they?
GMOs are essentially the result of a laboratory process during which genes from one species are inserted into the genes of another with the aim of obtaining a certain characteristic or result – like growing an incredibly large melon, for example.
A number of animal studies have been conducted and report some serious health risks associated with a GMO diet, including immune system problems; infertility; faster aging; changes to the major organs; issues with the gastrointestinal system and even faulty insulin regulation.
So these days physicians are advising patients to stay far away from foods that have been genetically modified, and that means we need to start shopping smarter.
For starters, you should try going organic. The USDA National Organic standards actually prohibits genetically modified organisms and shopping organic is the perfect way to avoid them altogether. What’s more, organic foodstuffs have little to no pesticides, fungicides or herbicides while boasting a higher vitamin and mineral count.
Another smart way to shop to avoid GMOs is to load up on the fruits and vegetables. Many fresh products are not genetically modified but do tread carefully when it comes to edamame; zucchini; sweet corn; yellow summer squash and papaya that is brought in from China and Hawaii – they’re considered high risk in the GMO range. Only purchase those products if they are labeled as “Non-GMO” or “organic” to be on the safe side.
The third smart shopper tip is to keep an eye out for the non-GMO-verified seal. Foods that have been genetically modified don’t have to be labelled such and this seal is the best way to tell when foods are organic. A lot of companies won’t advertise that foods have GMOs, so these seals are a good way to find foods that don’t have GMOs.
Next, join a campaign! For example, the Tipping Point Campaign comprises a group of activists who are hard at work educating communities about the dangers of GMOs. The whole idea is that the more consumers start avoiding GMOs, the more likely those ingredients become a marketing liability and be removed from the shelves. 
When you’re shopping, remember to read labels carefully and understand additives. Five of the most common GMOs (sugar beets; corn; cotton; soy and canola) often land up as additives in packaged foods. Check labels for the likes of sugar; corn syrup; thickeners; oil and flavoring agents and stay well away.
If you love seafood, only buy wild-caught varieties as a lot of farm-raised fish tend to eat feeds that are genetically modified in one way or another.
What about eating out? The next time you’re planning on going out for dinner, put some thought into “invisible ingredients” including salad dressing; soy sauce and cooking oils that could very likely contain GMOs. But don’t be scared to ask for special orders like calling in advance and requesting that your fish be fried in olive oil instead of, say, canola.
Another good GMO-free shopping tip is to focus on fiber like beans; nuts; grans and seeds which are typically GMO-free. And while you’re checking out labels, stay well away from aspartame. You’ll find it predominantly in diet sodas as well as low-cal foodstuffs and sweets. Aspartame is made purely from GMOs or even via a chemical process. Not sweet at all.
Here’s another one to watch out for: canned soups. These ready-made varieties have a lot of ingredients that contain GMOs. Many list high fructose corn syrup as one of their biggest ingredients and according to research, 88 percent of corn planted in the U.S is genetically modified. Another big ingredient in canned soups in vegetable oil which, while the label might tell you the oil doesn’t come from corn, 90 percent of rapeseed, soybeans and cottonseeds farmed in the USA are GMOs.
When you’re whizzing up and down the aisles, avoid the frozen food section, too. All too often frozen goods are sweetened with the likes of non-cane sugars which are genetically modified. 
While you’re in the store, skip the sweetened juices on your shopping list. At present, the only genetically modified fruit that is readily available to the average American shopper is the Hawaiian papaya. While the majority of fruits don’t have GMOs, a lot of juice companies add non-cane sugar to make juices more enticing to kids.
Finally, read labels carefully before choosing cereals. While you’re not that likely to encounter GMOs when dealing mainly with grains in their natural state (except corn), cereals – and especially those made for kids – contain a lot more than natural grains. Two of the biggest ingredients are corn start and sugar which are both highly likely to consist of GMOs.

All this talk of GMO can get a bit stressful, but take a deep breath and start off slowly. Try not to get overwhelmed by it all, just do what you can and start off by eliminating GMOs just for a few weeks. Take note of changes to your energy; weight; moods and health and take note of your kids’ attention spans. Once you start noticing the positive changes, chances are GMO-free will become the only way to go in your household.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Taking a Leap of Faith

Leap Of Faith

Business Entrepreneurship

             When starting your own journey into entrepreneurship there are a couple things you need to realize.  Your belief in what you are doing is everything.  If you doubt that what you are setting out to do won't work even the slightest bit than you should probably re-think your plan.   You see it doesn't matter if some people think you are crazy.  It doesn't matter if some people give you negativity or tell you something won't work.  Only you can make that decision and take that leap of faith.   It's called a leap of faith because when you make a "real" decision to do something you are cutting off the alternative.  You see, the word decision, or to decide is in the same family as incision.   Decide, suicide, homicide, and pesticide is the action of cutting off or to kill off.   When you make a decision its cutting off the alternative and not looking back.   I believe that if people think you are crazy for building your dream than you are actually doing something right.   So many people get caught up in the trap of just running on a hamster wheel doing what they are told.   When you do something different and out of the ordinary people may view it as odd because they don't understand it.   Anyone in this world who was an innovator was at one point thought to be a little odd or crazy.   So believe in yourself and your dreams, and take that leap of faith.