Meditation is an art and while some might think of it as closing your eyes and going into a trance like state this is not always the case. Meditation is about focus and putting your attention on one area. There are many health benefits beyond increasing concentration, decreasing anxiety and overall happiness.
A great number of people try meditation but a very small percentage of people actually stick to it. This is very unfortunate and could be due to beginners not having the right mindset going into the practice to actually sustain it.
This article will help with 10 key elements for any beginner to jump over hurdles and help maintain a long term practice:
Start with breathing. Deep long breaths help to slow the heart rate, completely allowing muscles to relax, and will help you focus your mind on the present moment
Have a Purpose. Meditation is a process. Learning to focus on a single point or object is tough work, and you have to create a purpose.
Stretch. Loosen up all your muscles so you can sit more comfortably. Stretching out your body will help muscles relax and begin your “inward journey” by giving your body some attention.
Be present to your frustration. Listen to your “inner voice”. Is it telling you “we don’t need this” or “we have already done this before, why continue”. When you begin to focus on that voice just bring yourself back to focusing on deep breathing bringing you back to present.
Think about body parts. When Beginning to learn how to meditate, once you learn how to quiet your mind focus on your feet, and move all the way up your body. From toes, feet, quads, organs, chest, etc. This will help increase focus.
Pick a Spot. Pick a spot where you can be comfortable and use this specific spot as your daily meditation spot. Make sure this is not where you sleep, work, or exercise.
Put electronics away. When you meditate make sure you have your phone off or anything that could disturb you. This is a time for you not distractions.
Visual meditation. For beginner who have trouble closing eyes to meditate it may be easier to begin by just focusing on the flame of a candle or an object. This works wonderfully.
Early morning practice and being grateful. Its said that meditation is best practiced first thing in the morning with your mind less cluttered. It’s important not to stress over the outcome of the meditation. Just be grateful, and thank yourself for taking the time just to be present in the moment.
Meditation can be a difficult practice for a beginner but with these tips you will be well on your way. Start small and work your way up. Maybe try guided meditation with headphones to start out and work your way to not needing them.
A few of my personal favorite meditation tracks and one of my favorite books!
A few of my personal favorite meditation tracks and one of my favorite books!
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