2013 NO-NO Food list-
1- Ice cream - (fat, sugar, artificial color and flavoring....the list goes on)
2 - Fried foods - super high in fats and artery clogging gunk!! BTW the French word for fried is Sauté.
3- Sugar, candy, chocolate and sweets- carbohydrates don't make you fat guys and gals.....sugar will!!! Not to mention all the other horrible health issues it causes.
4- Soda - loaded with sucrose and high fructose corn syrup as well as empty calories.
5- Cookies, Cakes, Pastries- google what they actually put in these items. It will make you think twice.
6- Fruit "juices" - (sugar,sucrose,high fructose corn syrup). Put the juice down and grab some whole fruit
7- Sausage and Bacon - Bacon and sausage calories are made of fat calories 93% typically. Even reduced fat turkey is still 50-70% fat.
8- Potato chips, corn chips - crazy amounts of sodium, flour, and almost no nutritional value.
9- White bread - you might as well eat a couple spoons full of sugar. WB is completely stripped of nutrients and is made of refined white flour which will more readily turned to fat. GO WHOLE WHEAT!!!
10- Sugary cereals - most cereals contain tons of sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Rule of thumb-
(9g or less per serving) and watch your serving size.
There it is guys. Hope this helps your goals this year. You can do it!!!
Good list! Thx Oh My Gosh Josh!