Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How many calories should you eat???

      Weight loss and weight gain are directly related to calories.  This issue has been debated back and forth for years now.  The truth is that physiologically the body cannot lose weight unless the number of calories (energy) taken in is less than the number of calories burned.  Food = energy.  The body stores fat to use for energy in times of need.  The problem is that humans today overeat all the time.  
       Everybody has a different genetic build and body type, but that doesn't change the process.  The fact is there are genetic freaks that can eat whatever they want and still stay fit.  Than there are the other 85% of the world that unfortunately weight loss is a longer process.  Genetics are only one factor that you can't control.  There are many factors that you can control.
       It's time to stop blaming genetics, age, and the like.  I have clients in their late 40's who have completely reversed their slow metabolisms through weight training, eating properly, and more regularly.  When individuals train with weights they gain muscle, increase their metabolisms, and the body becomes a fat burning machine.  This is also why women need to let go of the myth that weight training will make them bulky.  This is completely false because women are not built like men nor do they have the amounts of testosterone that men do.

      Here is quick method to find the amount of calories needed in a day for fat loss, maintenance, or putting on weight.  This number can fluctuate depending on how active you are but is a good base to get you started.  If less active (exercise 3 days or less) use the lower number of calories.  These calories should consist of lean protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Fat loss = 12 - 13 calories per lb. of bodyweight
Maintenance  = 15-16 calories per lb. of bodyweight
Weight gain = 18 to 20+ calories per lb. of bodyweight

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